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Cyst of the jaw

It usually occurs as a complication of the tooth disease, as a result of which a chronic inflammatory process develops at the tip of the tooth root with the formation of a cyst. In more rare cases, it arises from the follicle envelope surrounding the crown of the tooth, if the process of its eruption is violated. Therefore, such a cyst is called follicular.
In contrast, the root is much more common, as the disease of teeth many times exceeds the number of cases of their difficult eruption. The root cyst develops against a background of chronic inflammation (see Periodontitis), it grows slowly but steadily. Increasing in volume, constantly presses on the surrounding bone tissue, which necessarily "retreats", making room for a growing cyst.
Little, or not at all manifesting itself, the cyst is visible only when the jaw is protruding with the thinning of its outer dense bone plates, which the patient himself or his associates draws attention to. Often when the x-rays of the jaws on one or another occasion the cyst is detected as an accidental finding.
Its growth sometimes leads to such significant destruction of the jaw bone, which leads to its spontaneous fracture. In addition, penetration into the cavity of the cyst of pyogenic microbes can cause a severe inflammatory process with the involvement of the bone marrow of the jaw and the development of osteomyelitis. It is possible the degeneration of the root cyst as a long-term current process into a cancerous tumor.
Treatment of the cyst is surgical. At small sizes it is permissible to perform surgery on an outpatient basis. Recommendation: periodic monitoring (once a year) of the dental-maxillary system by radiography.