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Contraceptive, implantable under the skin

Levonorgestrel implants the first in many years, a whole new way of protection offered in the United States. Better known under the brand name Norplant, a contraceptive consists of six small capsules containing the progestin, the same synthetic hormone that is used to inhibit ovulation in oral contraceptives. Inplantirovannye hands under the skin, the capsules gradually release progestin providing contraception for about five years. After removing the caps is restored fertility.
Before the FDA Office of the Food and Drug Administration gave permission for the use of implants in 1990, Norplant has been tested by more than 50 000 women from around the world and has shown high efficiency. Statistically, your chance of getting pregnant when sewn implant is about 1 percent, making it as effective as oral contraceptives.
The biggest drawback of the implant, apparently, is that it violates the regularity of menstruation. The majority of menstruating women, or cease, or become abundant, or the laundry appear spotting. Some of these effects disappear after the first year; method as a whole very well accepted in one study, 94 percent of women said they would like to use this method in the future, despite the fact that 95 percent of the observed side effects. In addition to violations of the regularity of menstruation, met side effects such as headaches, acne, hair loss and weight gain. Another drawback is that the implant has shown less effective in women weighing more than 154 pounds at the time of implantation and for women who have scored a lot of weight later. The efficiency decreases with increasing weight. Additionally, this birth control is very expensive, not less than $ 500.
Although there is little data on the impact on health of contraceptives containing only progestin, experts believe it unlikely increase the danger of heart disease as well as in the development of cardiovascular diseases affect the hormone estrogen. As in the case of oral contraceptives, you to some extent will be protected from inflammation in the pelvic organs, benign breast tumors and ovarian cysts. Use of progestin is related to high blood pressure, which is a risk factor for the probability of impact.

Birth control pills AND CANCER

Perhaps most women worry about whether there is relationship between oral contraceptives and breast cancer, the link that appears more and more confusing with each new study. According to one study, it turns out that yes, the pills that prevent pregnancy, contribute to the development of breast cancer. Results of another, as carefully constructed studies suggest the possibility that no birth control pills do not cause cancer.
What's the matter? The centers for Disease Control in Atlanta experiment 10 000 women was carried out, which allowed to explain these seemingly contradictory results. The confusion is due to the fact that the use of oral contraceptives appears to increase the risk of developing breast cancer in women under the age of 35 years, but reduces the risk for women after forty-five years.
"One of the theories that could explain this strange connection between birth control pills and cancer in young women suggests that by themselves hormones contained in the pills do not cause cancer, but accelerate the development of cancer, that would otherwise be diagnosed later," says Dr. -p Forrest. According to another theory, women who take the pill are more likely to be screened, so the cancer is detected at an earlier stage. There is another theory, according to which the pills like pregnancy, increase the risk of breast cancer based on the short-term, but reduce it in the long term.