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Root of rhubarb

Collected in autumn or early spring at least 3 years old, peeled from the outer crust, cut into pieces and dried roots and rhizomes cultivated in the country rhubarb Tangut. The main active principles are emodin and chryphonic acid. They irritate the intestinal receptors and cause an increase in peristalsis, exerting a predominant effect on the large intestine and causing a more rapid emptying. Rhubarb preparations are used in powders, pills, decoctions, alone and in combination with other substances as laxatives, mainly with chronic (habitual) constipation. They are well tolerated and do not cause disturbances in the absorption processes and normal activity of the small intestine. Containing resinous substances in plants can have some irritating effect on the intestine. Usually drugs are prescribed for the night. After it is taken, the urine, sweat and milk are colored yellow, changing when the alkali is added to red.
The following preparations are used, manufactured by industry.