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Measles - an acute infectious disease characterized by fever, intoxication, lesions of the upper respiratory and spotty rash on the skin.
Cause. Measles is caused by a virus, which quickly killed by heat, ultraviolet light, under the influence of disinfectants.
The source of infection is a sick person who becomes infectious 2 days before the first signs of the disease and is a danger to others within 5 days after the rash appears.
Transmission occurs through airborne droplets. Infection with measles through third parties, and various items does not occur because of the low stability of the virus in the environment.
For measles is highly susceptible everyone. Without a history of it, and not vaccinated, while infecting ill in 100% of cases. In recent years, more and more young people are ill with measles who eventually decreased immunity to it after made in childhood measles vaccination.
The process of developing the disease. The measles virus is introduced into the cells of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, it multiplies and spreads the blood throughout the body. Thus the exciter is accumulated in the mucous membranes of eyes, respiratory tract, mouth, skin and hits them.
Measles reduces the overall immunity during the sickness and the next few months, which is manifested exacerbation of existing patients with chronic inflammatory diseases (sinusitis, tonsillitis, otitis media, and others.).
After undergoing persistent measles develops lifelong immunity to the disease. After vaccination immunity persists for about 15 years.
Signs. The incubation period lasts 9-11 days. The disease begins with fever up to 38-39 ° C, the development of the common cold, rough ( "barking"), cough, hoarseness, photophobia, headache, general weakness and sleep disturbances. It appears puffiness of the face, eyelids, bright red konyunktiv and oral mucosa.
On the 2-3 th day of the disease in the mucosa of the cheek rash appears as small, measuring about 1 mm, white specks, slightly persevered over red mucous membranes (spots Belsky - Filatov - Koplik). Usually they are arranged in groups, never merge with each other and appearance resemble semolina. Persist for 1-3 days, then disappear.
On the 4th day of illness behind the ears and the nose, and then during the day on the skin of the entire face, neck and upper chest appear spots of pink or red color, which a few hours later increase in size, converted into large patches of purple color, have irregular edge blend. The rash is usually abundant. skin rash between the normal elements. On the 5th day the rash spreads to the trunk and arms on the 6th - on their feet. The rash is usually abundant. Especially a lot of it on his face, slightly less than on the body, still less on his feet. As a result of the merger of a rash on the face, it becomes puffy eyelids thicken, grow coarse facial features, and the appearance of the person changes dramatically.
rashes period characterized by an increase in body temperature up to 40 ° C, increased airway inflammation and deterioration of general condition of the patient. The body temperature reaches a maximum at 2-3 day precipitation, and then quickly reduced to normal, and recovery occurs. The rash persists for 3-4 days, and then begins to fade and greenish brown or yellowish tinge in the same order in which it appears. Flowering rash may be accompanied by peeling of the skin.
Complications. Inflammation of the lungs, ear, sinuses, corneal damage, nervous system.
Recognition of the disease. measles diagnosis is confirmed by the results of blood tests, which is taken from a vein.
Treatment. Patients with mild to moderate uncomplicated measles treated at home under the supervision of the local doctor. Patients with severe and complicated forms of these diseases are sent to the hospital.
Treatment of patients with measles is also carried out as acute respiratory viral infections. In marked inflammation konyunktiv eye for lower eyelids Bury 20% solution of sodium sulfacyl 2 drops 3-4 times a day, to give the patient a comfortable position in bed to avoid falling light in the eye.
Isolation of patients discontinued 5 days after the rash appears.
Prevention of disease. A reliable method to prevent measles is vaccination.
Communicate with patients unvaccinated and without a history of measles, children are not allowed in the children's group for 17 days. They for 2 days after exposure vaccination for the prevention of disease or immune globulin is administered at a dose of 0.25 mL / kg for 5 days after exposure to prevent or alleviate the disease.