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- are a dosage form of "soft ointment", which in its composition and physical characteristics occupies an intermediate position between paste and ointment. The basis of the cream - fats or fat-like substances that can mix with water. As a result, a uniform thick and semi-liquid mass is formed - an oil-in-water emulsion. Natural representatives of such emulsion are milk, cream, sour cream. Their action is associated with the possibility of evaporation of water, which leads to cooling of the skin. An artificial cooling cream (cold cream) contains in equal parts a fatty substance (lanolin, wax, spermaceti), water and vegetable oil.
Creams are used in inflammatory processes, dry skin, reducing its elasticity. Apply the cream to the affected area with a thin layer of lightly sliding cautious movements. Sometimes it is lightly rubbed into the affected skin. The water in the cream cools the skin. Fatty substances prevent drying of the skin, making it softer and more elastic.