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Buy a sports car

"Do what you want, says Dr. Barbanel, especially something that brings joy."
Sarah Rogers always wanted a sports car, but always subordinate to her husband, who chose a more practical option. Therefore, all the machines that they were, had a lot of merits, judging by their cost of gasoline consumption, repair costs. But they were deprived of any charms for her. "Gradually, says Sarah, I realized that a few cars and I go on a catafalque in his last journey." And when her old car broke down, she took her husband to the exhibition, and looking him straight in the eye, pointed at the gleaming silver two-seater car with the words: "I'll take this."
"Great! exclaimed Dr. Barbanel heard this story. Mature years, this is the time for such actions. Dare. Look for a new one. First and foremost meet their needs, and then to the needs of others. "
And he continues: "Do not do unnecessary work. We women make the mistake of vzvalivaya all over. We are already up to their ears in work, we work too much. " Dr. Barbapel says so, it becomes clear that it is only half a joke.
"Implement the various facets of his nature, different personality, try on all the way, as you would trying on a new hat, she strongly urges. Remember, as you pass through the millinery department of the store when you were a little girl. If your mother stopped to chat with one of her friends, you immediately quietly slipped away to the mirror and began to try on one hat after another. The black soft hat, pulled down over one eye, turns you into a spy. A small, black velvet, with a short veil, which is nice to tickle your nose, turns you into a "femme fatale", right? A wide-brimmed straw hat with velvet ribbons? In it you were a hair's breadth Gibson girl beginning of the 1900s. How do you feel looking in the mirror of the Gibson girl herself? You yourself seem sweet, mild, subtle?
We all have inside a wardrobe of hats, waiting to be vilified, "says Dr. Barbanel.
Mid-life is a good time to re-measure them all.
See also:. Wrinkles.