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Lagoftalm. Incomplete closure of the eye

Occurs when the facial nerve paralysis is innervating the circular muscle of the eyelid.
Symptoms and course:
It is manifested by incomplete closure of the eyelids. The lower eyelid hangs down, the patient is disturbed by lacrimation, when trying to close the eye, the eye gap remains open. The eye remains open at night. Lapophthalmus leads to the drying of the conjunctiva and the cornea, which can be complicated by erosion, ulceration of the cornea (keratitis), and its turbidity. A lagophthalmus develops against the background of neuritis, sometimes after a trauma to the eyelids, can be the consequence of an innate shortening of the eyelids.
Recognition does not cause difficulties. In addition to complaints of lacrimation, a feeling of contamination, uncomplexed eyelids is a clear cosmetic defect. Differential diagnosis with eyelid reversal.
Instilling in the eye of disinfecting drops (30% sulfacyl sodium, 0.02% furacilin solution), "artificial tears". To prevent drying out and prevent infection for the night, an ointment with antibiotics, sea buckthorn oil, sterile vaseline oil is poured into the eye. In severe forms, surgical intervention is possible, consisting in partial suturing of the eye gap.