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Treatment of purulent wounds

The hydration phase, which is characterized by the delimitation and melting of dead skin cells and tissues and the presence of an active inflammatory process, it is important to suppress the activity of microorganisms and facilitate the rapid cleansing of the wound.
It is necessary to provide the following.
1. Rest the affected organ (immobilization, bandaging rare).
2. The use of antiseptic agents topically to the wound, and orally or intramuscularly.
Z. detoxification.
4. Stimulation of immunobiological reactions, especially increased phagocytic activity of leukocytes, which is achieved by the small amounts of blood transfusions, improved nutrition, the introduction of staphylococcal toxoid, hyperimmune serum, and others.
5. Create the maximum outflow of wound content through a wide opening purulent focus and draining it.
6. Respect for tissue ligation ranyostorozhnye as trauma leads to a breakthrough of microbes in the internal environment of the body, the absorption of toxins, which shows sharp rise in temperature, chills, malaise.
7. In the presence of necrotic tissue shows drugs that can lyse (destroy) non-viable tissue. As such agents used proteolytic enzymes of animal and bacterial origin, topically applied as solutions or powder (in the presence of copious purulent). Enzyme preparations due to their anti-inflammatory action and necrolytic significantly reduce the healing phase hydration. They are rapidly cleared from the dead tissue and covered with healthy juicy granulations that takes you to the use of ointment dressings or early secondary suture.
When remission of inflammation and the development of regeneration therapeutic measures should be mainly aimed at strengthening the process. In this phase (dehydration) of the wound already created a solid barrier, the number and virulence of the microbes in the discharge of sharply reduced, the wound is cleared of debris and filled with granulation. Showing events for their protection from trauma and secondary infection, ie, Bandage with indifferent ointment. At this time the dressing can not be used with hypertonic, antiseptic solutions, since they damage the granulation, whereby wound healing is delayed.
Art bandaging centuries documented in a special science - desmurgy. Conveniently and properly bandage important notonly at the first aid to the victim, but also for the treatment, since it promotes rapid healing of wounds and reduces the suffering of patients. In recent years, to hold the gauze and applied topically to the wound of drugs designed special bandage of elastic mesh "retelast". It is made from gum and cotton yarn and produce a stocking tape seven sizes (from 0 to 6) that allows you to quickly put a bandage on virtually any part of the body.
In the treatment of patients with purulent process it is important to determine the nature of the general state of the violations and take measures that enhance reactivity in low, sluggish response and reducing it by reaction excessively violent. At the same time you need to take care of the preservation and restoration of function of the affected organ. Terms of immobilization and rest should not be delayed, replacing them in the phase of dehydration dosage, with a gradually expanding the scope of physical therapy and physiotherapy.