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Treatment of chronic gastritis

The main thing is to observe the diet at the same time 4-5 times a day, with the exception of alcoholic beverages, fatty meat varieties (duck, goose), smoked meats, marinades, mushrooms, hot shortened hot soup, soup on fatty broth. During an exacerbation diet N 1 at the raised or increased and normal acidity, N 2 - at lowered. The disease is treated on an outpatient basis. With pain, spasmolytics are prescribed: no-shpu, papaverine, platyphylline, quaternon, halidor. With increased acidity - drugs that lower it: vikalin, vicair, almagel, etc. In case of insufficient secretion - the means replacing the gastric juice: natural gastric juice, acid-pepsin during meals, previously dissolved in water. Vitamins of group B. Spa treatment only during remission in the sanatorium by profile.