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Medicinal warming compress

A medicinal warming compress is also applied, the effect of which is enhanced by the addition of various substances to the water (baking soda, alcohol, etc.). Usually impose a half-alcohol (alcohol is bisected with water) or a vodka compress. You can use alcohol and vaseline (or any vegetable) oil in a ratio of 1: 1. Often doctors recommend ready-made medications for compresses, for example, menovazine. With rheumatic joint damage, medical bile or dimexide is very effective. But medicinal substances can cause irritation, therefore, before putting a compress, the skin needs to be lubricated with a baby cream or vaseline oil.
In folk medicine, compresses are used with leaves of burdock, plantain, cabbage, buttercup.
The rules for applying a warming compress to children are the same, but the absolute contraindication for this procedure is an increase in the body temperature of the child. Usually, local compresses are placed in children's practice with inflammation of the middle ear - otitis, or on the limbs - with trauma. More often used vodka or alcohol-vaseline variant. Children up to 1 year in the ear compresses are placed with caution. They can not be held for more than 1.5 hours. With respiratory diseases with laryngitis (hoarseness of the voice), with bronchitis the child of the older age can impose a compress on the chest. This compress is used with warmed interior fat, turpentine ointment, warm vegetable oil. It is left overnight.
When angina children often make a vodka compress on the neck. In this case, the cloth moistened with vodka should be applied to the posterior-lateral surface of the neck, leaving its anterior part - the area of ​​the thyroid gland - free. Otherwise, the rules for compressing the same are the same. After the thermal procedure, you can not let the child go for a walk or play with him in outdoor games.