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Lepromatous type

- the most severe and infectious.
Symptoms and course:
Skin lesions are located on the face, the back of the hands, forearms, legs and are represented by limited bumps (leproms). Their color is from pink to cyanotic red, the surface is smooth and shiny, sometimes covered with otrigious scales. Lepromy hemisphere above the surface of the skin and, closely adjoining each other, often form continuous hilly infiltrates. When the face is damaged, they give it the appearance of a "lion's muzzle".
Simultaneously with changes on the skin, the mucous membranes of the nose, oral cavity, larynx are often affected. Patients complain of dryness in the mouth, nose, a drained discharge, frequent bleeding, shortness of breath, hoarseness. Ulceration of the cartilaginous septum of the nose leads to its deformation.
The defeat of the eye causes visual impairment and even complete blindness. From the internal organs affects the liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys and others. Violated all kinds of skin sensitivity (temperature, pain and tactile), especially on the hands and feet. Patients who do not feel heat and cold, without feeling pain, are often exposed to severe burns, injuries. Part of the patients weakened and depleted muscles of the face and limbs, fingers and toes curved, shortened, and sometimes destroyed. On the feet there are deep ulcers, difficult to treat. Such consequences lead patients to a deep disability.
Patients with lepromatous type of leprosy are the main source of leprosy infection and pose a great danger to others.