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Malaria is a group of acute infectious diseases caused by protozoan parasites from the genus Plasmodia, manifested by febrile attacks, anemia, enlargement of the liver and spleen.
Cause. Malaria of man is caused by 4 types of plasmodia pathogens: tropical, three-day, four-day and oval malaria.
The source of infection is a sick person or carrier of pathogens. The carrier of the infection is some mosquito species. In natural conditions, human infection with malaria occurs through the bites of infected malarial mosquitoes.
The spread of malaria is possible if there is a source of infection (malaria), malarial mosquitoes and favorable climatic conditions. The vital activity of parasites of malaria in the body of mosquitoes is possible at an air temperature of 16 о С and above. The duration of the cycle of parasite development in a mosquito is about a month.
Malaria foci are found in areas with a tropical and subtropical climate. Malaria is widespread in almost all countries of Africa and South America, Asia and the Pacific Islands. In recent years, the world's malaria situation has been deteriorating. Only in sub-Saharan Africa, 100 million people fall ill with malaria every year and about 1 million people die. In India and Brazil, up to 2.6 million malaria cases are registered annually. Malaria exists in Tajikistan and Azerbaijan. Foci in the Astrakhan region have intensified and reappeared in the Rostov, Volgograd, Samara and other regions of Russia.
At present, the causative agent of tropical malaria has developed a drug resistance to drugs widely used for its treatment.
The process of development of the disease. When a person is infected with plasmodia penetrate into the tissue cells, during 6-9 days they repeatedly divide and in a large number penetrate into the erythrocytes, where their reproduction continues, especially rapid in plasmodia of tropical malaria. After a certain time, depending on the type of plasmodium, massive destruction of infected red blood cells and the release of parasites into the blood begins. This is accompanied by the development of a febrile attack in the patient.
In tropical malaria, infected red blood cells accumulate in the vessels of internal organs, mainly the brain, which leads to a violation of blood circulation in them and the development of severe complications such as malarial coma, etc.
In the human body plasmodium tropical malaria exist up to 1.5 years, three-day malaria - up to 3 years, in connection with which there may be relapses of the disease.
Immunity after the transferred malaria is unstable.
Signs. The incubation period, depending on the type of malaria, is from 8 to 25 days. With the three-day malaria, the onset of the disease is possible 6-14 months after infection.
The initial manifestations of malaria are characterized by periodic chills, excessive sweating, pain in the muscles, joints, lower back, moderate increase in body temperature, more often up to 38 о С, loosening the stool. These phenomena persist for 2 to 5 days.
Then there are typical for malaria, febrile seizures. Attacks, as a rule, are repeated every other day. With tropical malaria, they can be observed daily. Feverish attacks occur usually in the morning with maximum temperature in the first half of the day. Suddenly, a chill comes, usually stunning. Its duration is 1.5 hours. Chilliness is replaced by a feeling of heat. With a drop in body temperature, the patient begins to sweat and his well-being improves quickly; He calms down and often falls asleep. After that, the patient's state of health before the next attack can be completely satisfactory, the working capacity remains.
Tropical malaria, complicated by coma, is characterized by an increase in headache, dizziness. Developed disorientation, drowsiness, confusion, which indicates the onset of coma. In the period of true coma, there is no consciousness, the body temperature rises to 40.0 ° C.
Recognition of the disease. The diagnosis of malaria is confirmed by the detection of malarial plasmodia in blood preparations. The blood for malaria is investigated:
In all patients with fever who arrived from malaria-poor areas during the last 2 years;
In patients with periodic temperature rises;
In patients with unclear feverish diseases with an increase in the liver and spleen and the development of anemia of an unclear nature.
Urgent care. If you suspect a malaria, you should immediately call for emergency help for urgent hospitalization. Treatment of patients with malaria begins immediately when a suspected disease, without waiting for the results of a laboratory study. The loss of time in tropical malaria can lead to the development of a severe form of the disease with fatal complications.
Examination. The survivors of malaria are under medical supervision for 2 years. If they have any fever, a blood test for malarial plasmodium is performed.
Prevention of disease. It is carried out by taking antimalarial drugs by people traveling to areas where malaria is common and mosquito protection measures are being implemented.
For the prevention of tropical malaria, mefloquine (lariam) is taken 1 tablet (250 mg) 1 time per week. You should start taking the drug one week before going to the hearth, continue the entire period of stay in the hearth and within 4 weeks after leaving the hearth.
When taking mefloquine, unwanted reactions are possible: nausea, palpitation, headache. Occasionally there are convulsions, psychoses, severe dizziness.
Contraindications to the use of mefloquine: pregnancy, activities related to driving, mental illness.
Delagil, which was used to prevent infection until recently, does not guarantee against infection with drug-resistant tropical malaria.
To protect against mosquito bites in places where malaria is common, one should sleep in rooms whose doors and windows are tightened with a net, or sleep under a mesh canopy, preferably impregnated with an insecticide; From dusk until dawn to dress so as not to leave your hands and feet open; Open areas of the body to treat repellent.