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Mom let kids be kids

"When your job is educating easily be tempted to use them to meet their needs for self-esteem prevents Gisela Bud. This is a heavy burden falls on children. If you want them to be perfect, you doom them and yourself up for failure.
Indeed, some women find that once they are always at home, their children are required to be better than the neighbors, both of whose parents are working. But children are not born with "Tamper proof", and guarantees they also do not give out.
"A woman who is all the time at home, can overly supervise children, do not let them be independent, sees a psychologist Matti Gershenfeld. If you give up a career, because of the fact that they would like to have good children, you must say to yourself: "I do not expect from them that they would be ideal. I'm going for it, because I think the education of children the most important thing, to which it is worth spending time and effort. " That's all you can really expect. "
Here are some tips psychologists mothers who stay home with their children.
Do not sit at home all the time. When you decide, giving up careers to stay home with the kids, you sign a verdict to work 24 hours a day. At the same time you have more than working mothers, need to change the situation. If you have the opportunity, once a week, hire a babysitter and go somewhere with my husband or friends. If you can not hire a babysitter, make arrangements with neighbors or friends to replace each other in case of need.
Take care of her husband. If you and your husband made a joint decision as to what you will stay home and take care of the family, you have the right to appeal to him for help. "If a child crying at 2 am, of course, I have to get up and feed him, because I can take a nap in the afternoon with him, and my husband can not, says Dr. Gershenfeld. But it can help children to buy, send clothes to the laundry, do some shopping and just a little time to take the children off your hands. "
Find a support group. If not housewives, you can feel very alone in your neighborhood. Researchers studying the effects of different roles and functions in the lives of women, found that those who have almost no friends, in this case we are talking about women from working families suffer from multiple health problems and are more prone to depression.
Friends not only make up the company, to deliver you from loneliness, but also give you the opportunity to feel that "not one you choose to stay at home and do not all tend to look at you from the top down, says Dr. Gershenfeld. You need to have your system of values ​​endorses other. This is a very important point. "