Attention! Information is for reference only!
Before taking the course, consult a doctor!
WEB SITE ONLY DIRECTORY. NOT PHARMACY! We do not sell medicines! None!

Health care

Who besides your loved one knows your body as well as your doctor? Who else sees you in frank poses, half-naked, in the heat, suffering from pain? Such a relationship, at least, is unusual for strangers. And you trust this person your very life. You take off your panties, expose your chest and spread to him or her everything that you have for your soul. In response, you expect that you will be listened to, reassured, told about the functioning of your body, your state of health and, maybe, even cure you.
As one woman said, "when a patient has a good relationship with a doctor, it's very, very good, but when they are bad it's terrible."

Infectious diseases for all
Women Health
Infectious diseases
Surgical diseases
Eye diseases
Diseases of the ear, throat, nose
Skin diseases
Venereal diseases
Nervous diseases
Mental illnesses
Childhood diseases
First aid
Surgical diseases
Acute poisoning
Medicinal products
Lab tests
Modern research methods
Physiotherapeutic procedures
Dietary food
Spa treatment
Internal illnesses