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meconium ileus

Violation of promotion meconium (stool original) but the intestine, associated with its high viscosity. He plugs the lumen as a stopper, which leads to the phenomena of complete low intestinal obstruction (ie obstruction in the lower intestine). The disease is hereditary and often caused by metabolic disorders (cystic fibrosis).
Symptoms, and for quite characteristic: vomiting on the first day of life, beginning with the bile, then brown - "fecal" swollen belly abruptly, the chair is absent. Possible complications of intestinal volvulus, compromising the integrity of its walls with the subsequent development of peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum).
Treatment of complete obstruction: shows the operation further prognosis depends on the timing of surgery (surgery performed sooner, the better the result) and on the child's condition.
Treatment of partial obstruction: should first try to dissolve meconium, to make it more fluid with 5% pancreatin solution introduced through the mouth and intestine via enema. It is also possible to apply Gastrografin - agent for X-ray studies of the gastrointestinal tract, there are indications of effectiveness of this method. If unable to dissolve the meconium - operative treatment.
Prediction: In the late diagnosis, especially if partial obstruction, occurs intoxication (poisoning) of the body and the deterioration in the preoperative period, which affects the condition after surgery and causes high mortality.