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Methods for accelerating the removal of poison from the body

Active dystocculation of the body is carried out in specialized centers for the treatment of poisoning. Apply the following methods.
1. Forced diuresis - based on the use of diuretics (urea, manpitol, lasix, furosemide) and other methods that contribute to increased urine output. The method is used for most intoxication, when excretion of toxic substances is carried out mainly by the kidneys.
Water loading is created by abundant drinking of alkaline waters (up to 3-5 liters per day) in combination with diuretics. Patients in a coma or with pronounced dyspeptic disorders make subcutaneous or intravenous administration of a solution of sodium chloride or glucose solution. Contraindications to carrying out the water load - acute cardiovascular insufficiency (pulmonary edema) or renal failure.
Alkalinazatsaya urine is created by intravenous drip injection of sodium bicarbonate solution up to 1.5-2 liters per day under the control of the determination of alkaline urine reaction and reserve alkalinity of blood. In the absence of dyspeptic disorders, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) can be given inside for 4-5 g every 15 minutes for an hour, then 2 g every 2 hours. Alkaline urine is a more active diuretic than water pressure, and is widely used for acute poisoning with barbiturates, salicylates, alcohol and its surrogates. Contraindications are the same as with water load.
Osmotic diuresis is created with the help of intravenous injection of osmotically active diuretics, significantly enhancing the process of reverse absorption in the kidneys, which allows obtaining a significant amount of poison circulating in the blood with urine. The most known drugs of this group are: hypertonic glucose solution, urea solution, mannitol.
2. Hemodialysis is a method in which the "artificial kidney" apparatus is used as an emergency measure. By the rate of purification of blood from poisons is 5-6 times higher than forced diuresis.
3. Peritoneal dialysis - accelerated elimination of toxic substances that have the ability to accumulate in fatty tissues or to firmly bind to blood proteins. In the operation of peritoneal dialysis, a fistula inserted into the abdominal cavity is injected with 1.5-2 liters of sterile dialysate fluid, changing it every 30 minutes.
4. Hemosorption - a method of perfusion (distillation) of patient's blood through a special column with activated carbon or another sorbent.
5. Operation of blood substitution is carried out with acute poisoning with chemical substances that cause toxic damage to blood. Use 4-5 liters of one-group, Rh-compatible, individually selected donor blood.