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Inflammation of the heart muscle. There are rheumatoid, infectious (viral, bacterial, rickettsial, and others.), Allergic (drug, serum, post-vaccination), in diffuse connective tissue diseases, injuries, burns, exposure to ionizing radiation. There are also idiopathic (ie of unknown nature) myocarditis Abramov-Fiedler. The guiding role in the development of the inflammatory process belongs to allergies and impaired immunity.
Symptoms and over:
Myocarditis begins with infection or shortly thereafter with malaise, sometimes stubborn heart pains, palpitations and failures in its work and dyspnea, sometimes - pain in the joints. The body temperature is normal or slightly increased. Onset of the disease may not be visible or hidden. Sooner increased size of the heart. Important, but not permanent signs are cardiac arrhythmias (tachycardia - its quickening, bradycardia - slowing it, atrial fibrillation, premature beats) and conductance (various blockade). There may be symptoms of acoustic - deafness of tones, gallop rhythm, systolic murmur. Myocarditis can be complicated by the development of heart failure, the appearance of blood clots in the cavities of the heart, which, in turn, spaced current sprinkled cause necrosis (infarction) of other bodies (thromboembolism). The disease may be acute, subacute, chronic (recurring).
No specific signs of myocarditis strictly. Diagnosis is based on clinical signs, changes in the electrocardiogram, echocardiography, there is laboratory evidence of inflammation.
Bed rest. Early administration of glucocorticoids (prednisone), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin, phenylbutazone, ibuprofen, indomethacin). Held treatment of heart failure, cardiac arrhythmias and conduction. Apply tools to improve the exchange of substances in the processes of recovery of the heart muscle: retabolil, nerabol, Riboxinum, vitamins B and C. When protracted course of the disease - delagil, Plaquenil.