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Thoughts about your mother's mom

Thinking about the future, you can refer to your first role models to feel like a mother. Since you literally follow in the footsteps of your mother, the relationship with her becomes even more important. Depending on what they were, you either become calmer, or will be in a state of internal conflict. Cathy Scott just recovered from the storm transition, marred by fierce battles with her mother, when she suddenly became pregnant. "I was very much afraid that I would become like my mother," admits Cathy, the only child of elderly parents who became pregnant at the age of 20. I remember writing in my children's diary: "Will I really be like my mother? Please, Lord, do not let me become my mother. "
Peggy Hathaway, on the contrary, was unusually attached to her mother. "We just loved each other, and I wanted to be like her," Peggy remembers. When I became pregnant, I felt the need to be like her. This brought us even closer together. "