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Circulatory disturbance in the central artery of the retina

Occurs suddenly and is accompanied by a sharp loss or impaired vision on the affected eye.
Only twigs can suffer, but not the entire system. Outwardly the eye is not changed. When examining the fundus, the retina appears pale, the central cornea (red color) is clearly distinguished, the optic nerve disk is swollen with indistinct boundaries, the arteries are very narrow.
If there is a violation of blood circulation in one of the branches of the central artery of the retina, the blanching (swelling) of the fundus is determined only around the affected branch. In this case, the vision is partially preserved, but with the disappearance of the sector in the field of view. Violation can be caused by spasm, thrombosis, arteritis, embolism. Promotes hypertension, atherosclerosis, endarteritis, endocarditis, heart defects, chronic infectious diseases.
In case of a sudden loss or loss of vision, it is necessary to urgently call an oculist or call an ambulance.
To begin it is necessary as soon as possible in the conditions of a hospital. Restoration of vision in the early days is favorable for prognosis, but not always it is possible to maintain (return) a high central vision.