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Partly soreness

Some of the most common problems associated with breastfeeding can be prevented if you know about them in advance. "Although the majority of women first experienced pain when they start to breastfeed, says Walker, severe pain, usually does not happen." It is necessary in advance to prepare the nipple that is not difficult, except for the fact that it is useful for some time to go without a bra to the breast gently rubbed on clothing and fabric to air freely flowed around them.
After a week or soreness disappears. If this does not happen if the pain increases during feeding, it might imply Walker, you are wrong to keep the child, or it wrong sucks, or breast have become too hard (overflowing milk) that most often causes pain in the early breastfeeding.
To master the correct position during feeding and see if the child correctly sucks, you may need help. The child should be widely open mouth to grab the nipple and 1 / 4-1 / 2 inches of the areola chest pigmented area around the nipple. You can support the breast with four fingers underneath and your thumb on top. Push the child side or tummy to his stomach so that his mouth was on the same level with the nipple.
To invoke the desire to suck, squirt some milk in his mouth, the child of his wide open, begins to suck and swallow milk.