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Marriage life is much like a dinner. You are satisfied with what you eat, until you see what the others have.
This happens in good as well as in bad marriages. Infidelity is the main cause of divorce, but sometimes it improves relationships.
In all probability, at least 50 percent of all women live with their husbands who have changed or changed them, although some experts believe that this figure may be even higher. But what changes the modern picture in comparison with past times, so this is the number of women playing these games.
"As for adultery, women are catching up with men," says Judith Slater, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist practicing in Buffalo. One of the reasons may be that most women now work, they have to communicate with men more often, and therefore they have more opportunities to join extramarital affairs. "
The only thing that, apparently, remains unchanged is the great emotional vulnerability of women, even if they are deceiving their husbands.

Infectious diseases for all
Women Health
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Eye diseases
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Nervous diseases
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Childhood diseases
First aid
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