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Newborn babies

Principles of care at home.
Newborn - a child from birth to 4 weeks. There are full-term (born in the period from 38 th to 42 th week of pregnancy), premature (born between the 28th and 38th weeks of pregnancy) and post-term (born at 42 weeks or later). As a rule, full-term babies are morphologically and physiologically prepared for extrauterine life - active, well take the breast actively suck, cry loud, weight - from 2600 to 5000 g, the increase - from 48 to 57 cm.
Despite the constant medical supervision, the infant's health is largely in the hands of parents.
"Dowry" - linen, bath, stroller, changing table and other objects of care is desirable to lay up in advance. Cot must put in a light place, not in the draft, away from doors, windows, radiators. Mattress - hard enough, the pillow is not necessary. Required minimum: 20-25 cotton, flannel diapers 12-15, 20-25 diapers gauze, 2 pieces of oilcloth sizes 60x60 cm or diapers (2-3 pieces). Diapers - panties oilcloth on the buttons used in situations where it is impossible too frequent changes of diapers (eg, road), and urinating or defecating child only change a diaper. In the "dowry" also includes: duvet covers and sheets of 4-6, 6-10 and 4-6 thin flannel raspashonok, 2-3 and warm cotton bonnet, 1 flannelette, wool and cotton blanket, 8-12 sliders. Things certainly washed, boiled, iron iron 2 sides.
They should be prepared: a tight-fitting Glassware for wool and pans with lids for boiling the nipple, 4-6 bottles for infant formula and 3-4 for tea; thermometer for measuring body temperature, and the other - the water; spray for setting enema (the N1), the vapor tube, scissors, hot water bottle, 2 pipettes, sterile cotton and bandage, Vaseline or sterilized by boiling vegetable oil, potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) powder - 1 bottle of iodine solution and brilliant green ( "green stuff" ) 1 bottle.
It should be every day to wash hands and face of the child boiled water, clean the nasal passages, ears (external auditory canal) with a cotton flagella cotton swab to wipe his eyes with boiled water in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the inside. Skin folds treated with oil (vaseline or vegetable). After each urination or defecation baby tempted and change diapers. In this case you should always pay attention to the condition of the skin in the inguinal folds and mezhduyagoditsami because in these areas more likely to develop diaper rash. In case it should lubricate the skin cream or baby powder to treat. Handles When swaddling better to leave free. If the room temperature is not below 22-24 C ± keep head open. Excessive wrapping sudamen easily occurs, which can become infected.
After 2-3 days after the falling away of the remainder of the umbilical cord is allowed to swim. When the water is heated to 37 ± C, it was added to a solution of potassium permanganate slightly pink color, not allowing to fall undissolved crystals. The temperature in the bathroom should not be below 22-24 ± C. bath thoroughly washed with soap and hot water. Newborn bathe every day before the evening feeding, 2-3 times a week with children's soap. At the same time soaping his hands only because sponge can damage the skin. In girls, the vulva is not washed with soap.
You must walk with your child every day at any time of the year. In the summer, since the first days after discharge, in winter from the second week of stay at home. The duration of the first walking is not more than 10 minutes. In the summer time spent outdoors increases quickly in the winter only for 5-10 minutes daily. The clothes vary depending on the weather, but mindful of the danger of overheating and overcooling, immediately find out the cause of the child's anxiety. The total duration of the walks in the winter should not exceed 4 hours, in the summer, except for the hottest hours.
A healthy newborn is quenched from the first days of life. When changing diapers for 1-2 minutes is left uncovered (at room temperature is not lower than 20-22 ± C). It is useful to massage.

Infectious diseases for all
Women Health
Infectious diseases
Surgical diseases
Eye diseases
Diseases of the ear, nose and throat
skin diseases
Venereal diseases
Nerve disease
mental illness
Childhood diseases
First aid
Surgical diseases
Acute poisoning
Lab tests
Modern research methods
Physio-therapeutic treatments
invalid food
Spa treatment
Internal illnesses