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Oligophrenia (low blood pressure)

Congenital or acquired in the first years of life, dementia, manifested in the underdevelopment of the whole psyche, but mainly of the intellect. The causes of oligophrenia are different. There are 3 main groups of etiological factors: 1. Hereditary (Down's disease, microcephaly - congenital small skull, etc.). 2. Factors affecting intrauterine development of the fetus (illness and alcoholism of the mother, taking various medications that have a harmful effect on the fetus.) 3. Complications during childbirth (birth trauma, fetal cord embryo) and severe illnesses of early childhood (craniocerebral Trauma, and neuroinfection.) However, cases of oligophrenia with an unclear reason are quite common, and hazards in the workplace are not always taken into account (chemical herbicides, in agriculture, herbicides, insecticides, etc.).
Symptoms and course:
There are 3 degrees of mental underdevelopment: debility, imbecility and idiocy. Determination of the degree of lack of knowledge is usually carried out by a clinical method. Abroad use a certain coefficient, which is determined by the ratio of the mental age to the actual one, multiplied by 100. For example, if the child by tests corresponds to 5 years, and he is in fact 10 years old, the coefficient will be 50. Normally, the coefficient varies from 70 to 130. With a mild degree of oligophrenia (debility), the coefficient is 5070, with an average (imbecility) of 20-50, and with severe (idiocy), less than 20.
With all the variety of clinical forms of oligophrenia, there are common signs of mental underdevelopment for all patients. First, dementia covers not only the underdevelopment of the cognitive process, but also the personality as a whole, i.e. Suffers perception, memory, attention, speech, motor skills, emotions, will, thinking and intellect. Secondly, the leading role in the structure of a mental defect belongs to the inadequacy of abstract thinking, the inability to generalize. Thinking is specific, situational. Speech is characterized by the poverty of the stock of words, the elementary construction of the phrase, illiteracy. Attention and memory in general are weakened, although there is a well developed mechanical memory with selective memorization, for example, telephone numbers, surnames, numbers. In patients, the level of motivation, initiative is reduced. The immaturity of the person is manifested in increased suggestibility without a logical interpretation of the situation, inability to make an adequate decision in ordinary everyday situations, insufficient criticality to one's condition. The physical development also proceeds with a delay. The degree of delay and the severity of malformations depend on the degree of dementia.