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Genital warts

In other words, venereal warts appear on the genitals, as well as the vagina, cervix, urethra and promote deformity of genital organs and birth canal. Can lead in women to cancer of the cervix. It is established that malignant lesion is in direct connection with the early onset of sexual activity and a large number of sexual partners and that the sexual behavior of men and women plays an important role in the development of the tumor. Annually, cervical cancer affects about half a million women. Recently, among them, more and more young by age.
Symptoms and course:
Venereal warts appear 1-2 months after infection. First, these are the smallest spots, then they increase and, finally, turn into warty growths of pink color, in appearance resemble cauliflower. They can occur on the head and trunk of the penis, and in the urethra, accompanied by discharge or bleeding from the urethra, burning with urination, as well as on the external genitalia of women, in the vagina, cervix, in the anus (in particular, in individuals With anogenital sexual relations, for example, homosexuals).
To be treated it is necessary at once to both sexual partners that one of them, having recovered, again did not catch from another. Principles of treatment - see Ch. Skin diseases, section 5, Warts.