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acute abdomen

Occurs when the acute surgical diseases of the abdominal cavity and extraperitoneal localization. It may occur when:
1. Acute diseases of the stomach and 12 items. Intestine. 2. Acute bowel disease. 3. mesenteric arterial thrombosis. 4. acute diseases of the gallbladder and pancreas. 5. strangulated hernia. 6. Closed abdominal injury. 7. acute peritonitis. 8. Diseases of female sexual sphere.
9. urological diseases.
Symptoms and over:
Clinically, acute abdomen is expressed by a number of symptoms: pain, vomiting, intestinal obstruction phenomena, muscle tension anterior abdominal wall. Patients with these phenomena need to be hospitalized in a hospital, in some cases (most of) the surgical treatment.
It must be remembered - to accurately carry out detection and choose the right tactics treatment, so as not to complicate the pathological process and "lubricate" the clinical picture, patients with "acute abdomen" is impossible before the final diagnosis:
1. Appoint painkillers.
2. Give laxatives and cleansing enemas do.
3. Irrigate the stomach.
4. Apply heat treatments.