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Fracture of lower jaw

In the case of a lower jaw injury, double and triple fractures are more likely to occur, which is explained by the shape of its bone (kind of horseshoe). Concussion of the brain is a frequent complicating factor.
Symptoms and course:
The fracture of the lower jaw is characterized by pain, which increases sharply when trying to move it. The mouth is half open. The correct ratio of the teeth of the upper and lower jaws is broken. Soon there is swelling of the soft tissues. When touching - a sharp pain in the fracture. Saliva is often stained with blood.
Due to the fact that a number of muscles are attached to the bone of the lower jaw, which carry out its movement, their reflex reduction causes displacement of the jaw fragments, which increases pain, bleeding, discomfort.
In severe injuries, heavy bleeding may occur, development of shortness of breath, shock.
First aid. Try improvised means to stop or reduce bleeding (tampon, squeezing the bleeding site), try to eliminate the cause of shortness of breath (put the patient down face, shift the tongue), with shock - artificial respiration. The call of the "First Aid" should be immediate.
In practice, there are cases of fracture of the lower jaw and without such severe consequences. Then the main task in the provision of care is to create a relative rest for the injured organ. To do this, lower jaws, as far as possible, carefully "lead" to the upper jaw and fix in this position with a bandage (gauze, bandage, belt, scarf, etc.) through the cranial vault. Given the possibility of a concussion of the brain, transportation to the hospital in a supine position is desirable.
Patients with fractures of the lower jaw are absolutely shown to consult a doctor, since self-medication usually causes complications that lead to the destruction of the jawbone itself.