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Fracture of the spine

Usually occurs when falling from a height, stalling with weights, a direct and strong impact in the back, fracture of the cervical region
- at impact one at diving. Symptoms - severe pain in the back with the slightest movement. When the spinal cord trauma develops paralysis of the limbs (lack of movement and sensitivity).
First aid. It is strictly forbidden to put the victim, put him on his feet. It must be laid on a solid, flat surface - a shield, boards. If they are not at hand, then it is best to carry them on stretchers in a position on the abdomen with pillows placed under the shoulders and head. In case of a fracture of the cervical spine, transportation is performed on the back with immobilization of the head, as with damage to the skull. Shifting and loading into transport is carried out with special care, it is better if simultaneously 3-4 people, keeping all the time on one level the body of the victim (see also Traumas of the brain and spinal cord, chapter Nervous diseases).