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Primary syphilis

Chancres (sores), one or more, often located on the genitals, in the places where you would normally occur during sexual intercourse microtrauma. Men - this head, the foreskin, at least - the trunk of the penis; Sometimes the rash can be inside the urethra. In homosexuals, they are found in the anus of the circle, in the depth of his forming skin folds or in the rectal mucosa. Women usually appear in small and large labia, at the entrance of the vagina, in the perineum, at least - on the cervix. In the latter case, the sores can be seen only during gynecological examination on a chair with the help of mirrors.
Almost chancres can occur at any location on the lips, in the corner of the mouth, chest, abdomen, pubic, groin, on the tonsils, the latter reminding angina, where nearly throat does not hurt, and the temperature rises. In some patients, there are seal and swelling with strong redness, blueness of the skin, even in women - in the area of ​​the labia majora, the men - the foreskin. With the addition of the "secondary," ie, more infections, complications develop. In men, it is often an inflammation and swelling of the foreskin (phimosis), which usually accumulates pus and can sometimes test the seal in place of existing chancre. If the period of increasing edema of the foreskin and its push to open the head of the penis, the reverse movement is not always possible and the head is strangulated seal ring.
It swells, and if it is not free, can omertvet. Occasionally such necrosis (gangrene), complicate ulcers of the foreskin, or located at the head of the penis.
About a week after the appearance of the chancre is painless increase nearby lymph nodes (usually in the groin), reaching the size of a pea, plum, or even an egg. After the initial period increases and more groups of lymph nodes.