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pyelonephritis pregnant

The inflammatory process in the kidney can be from childbirth and postpartum. The main role in its development belongs to the physiological hormonal changes occurring in the body of pregnant women and women who have given birth. Often ill during the first pregnancy, because of the lack of adaptation of hormonal and immune systems to the changes occurring in them. Most women pyelonephritis appears at the end of the second - early third trimester of pregnancy (.. 20-26 weeks and 32-34 weeks), when the most significant hormonal fluctuation relations for postpartum women often - 4-6 and 12-14 days after delivery .
Symptoms and over:
The clinical picture depends on the degree of passage of urine through the upper urinary tract and pregnancy. In the first trimester of pain in the lumbar region strong in the second and third and postpartum women are much weaker. Acute pyelonephritis usually has no significant effect on pregnancy and childbirth, chronic - frequent toxicosis, miscarriage and premature birth.
It must be comprehensive and individualized depending on the characteristics of the disease. To avoid adverse effects on the fetus in the first trimester of pregnancy used only natural and semisynthetic penicillins (ampicillin, carbenicillin). In the second and third trimesters, other than those listed, Antibiotics aminoglycoside (gentamicin, kanamycin), cephalosporins, lincomycin, other anti-inflammatory drugs (5NOK, nevigramon, urosulfan). It is necessary to take into account the possible influence of drugs through the mother's milk to the newborn. Timely restoration of the passage of urine is achieved by bilateral ureteral catheterization, which produces febrile patients with no effect within days of antibiotic therapy. The inflammatory process in the kidney often continues after the postpartum period, and therefore requires further observation urologist.