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Piococcus fissure

A peculiar type of streptococcal impetigo is the piococcus fissure of the lips or congestion, which usually occurs chronically, more often in children and the elderly. Flicks, opening up, form erosion and deep painful cracks. Differentiate is necessary with candida galling. There are also other varieties of streptococcal impetigo.
Treatment and prevention. You can not kiss the sick, use his utensils, linens, toiletries; A child with impetigo can not attend schools, kindergartens, nurseries, etc. It is impossible to wash sick places with water, wipe healthy skin twice a day with vodka. Hands after each touch to the affected areas should be washed, nails are useful 2 times a day, lubricate with iodine tincture. To treat impetigo use either 1% aniline dyes in 70% alcohol, or disinfectant ointments.
Streptococcal pyoderma, in addition to impetigo, include: ectyma and chronic diffuse streptoderma. The group of streptodermias includes also erysipelas - an infectious disease that occurs in acute and chronic form, caused by hemolytic streptococcus and characterized by focal serous or serous-hemorrhagic inflammation of the skin (mucous membranes), fever and general toxic manifestations (see chapter Infectious Diseases).