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Nutrition of patients who underwent gastrectomy

Nutritional regimen: meals every 2.5-3 hours, in small quantities, 6-7 times a day.
Meat - low-fat varieties (chicken, beef, veal, turkey), preferably boiled and chopped, low-fat sausages - doctor's, sausages dairy.
Fish - low-fat varieties, herring is soaked.
Meat and fish slightly fried after boiling are allowed in the absence of violations from the liver and bile ducts, concomitant pancreatitis.
Eggs - soft-boiled, omelets.
Fats - butter and refined vegetable oil in a small amount, preferably in dishes.
Dairy products - cottage cheese, curd dishes, kefir, yogurt, cheese, sour cream as a seasoning.
Vegetables - carrots, beets, zucchini, Uykva, tomatoes, boiled or stewed. Potatoes, white cabbage (preferably sauerkraut) in limited quantities.
Soups - vegetable, fruit, mucous. Soups on meat broth are resolved in the absence of concomitant diseases of the liver, pancreas and bile ducts.
Dishes and side dishes from cereals - buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, casserole and porridge, are better viscous on milk in half with water or on water.
Fruits - apples are soft, non-acidic, apricots, plums are not acidic, jelly from berries.
Drinks - tea, tea with milk, broth of a dogrose, juices apple, tangerine, tomato.
Significantly limit: whole milk, coffee, cocoa, sugar, honey, jam, jelly.
Exclude: fried foods, fatty meat (lamb, pork, duck, goose), fats (except butter and vegetable oil), smoked products, fatty sausages, spices, mushrooms, all kinds of canned food, ice cream, cream products, alcoholic beverages, Sweet and baked pastry products (pancakes, fritters, cakes, patties, biscuits).
The first year after the operation, the diet should be strictly adhered to, in the amount of 1/2 servings from the usual, in a warm form. With dyspeptic disorders (regurgitation, bitterness in the mouth, diarrhea, etc.) limit the amount of fat.
In cases of complications after gastrectomy (anastomosing, gastritis, dumping syndrome, esophagitis, anemia), cooking technology provides more mechanical shaking: the dishes are wiped, semi-liquid, boiled in water or steamed. When dumping the syndrome, it is advisable to lie in bed after bed or to lie down in a chair for 30 minutes after eating. When esophagitis and swallowing disorders, the last meal for 2-3 hours before bedtime, after meals, you can not lie down for 40-45 minutes, standing or sitting without inclination forward.