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Poliomyelitis - an acute infectious disease characterized by inflammatory changes in the nasopharynx, intestines and nervous system damage with the development of paralysis.
Cause. The disease is caused by polioviruses that can persist for a long time in sewage, chlorinated water, milk. Well tolerate freezing and drying. It is bent under heating to 50 ° C.
The main reservoir and source of poliovirus is a human. His infection is often not manifested. Depending on the type of virus, the resistance of the organism and its age, the disease develops in 2-100% of infected. In the external environment, the virus is excreted with feces.
Infection occurs through dirty hands, virus-infected water and food.
Summer-autumn seasonality of the disease is characteristic. Mostly children are ill.
The incidence of poliomyelitis depends on the ongoing vaccination of the population. In Russia, poor in poliomyelitis are the areas where it is conducted poorly.
The process of development of the disease. In the human body the virus is introduced through the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and gastrointestinal tract, it multiplies, penetrates into the blood and spreads throughout the body. In most patients, the virus is exposed to the immune system of the body and recovery occurs.
In some patients, the disease does not end there, but the central nervous system is damaged.
After the disease, persistent immunity develops.
Signs. The incubation period lasts from 2 to 35 days.
The disease begins with a malaise, a slight increase in body temperature, a runny nose, a sore throat, a disorder of the stool for 2-3 days, after which there is an apparent recovery. However, after 2-4 days, the body temperature rises again to 39-40 ° C, there is a headache, vomiting, drowsiness, back and limb pains, convulsions. On the 4th-5th day, paralysis of one or both legs suddenly develops. Possible paralysis of the hands and respiratory muscles with a fatal outcome.
Recognition of the disease. The diagnosis is confirmed by the study of nasopharyngeal mucus, feces and blood of the patient.
Urgent care. If there is a suspicion of poliomyelitis in a patient who has not previously been vaccinated against this disease, he should immediately be referred to an infectious disease hospital for intensive treatment.
Prevention of disease. Children and adolescents aged 3 months to 16 years are re-vaccinated and revaccinated with poliomyelitis vaccine.
Children under 15 years of age who have close contact with a patient with acute poliomyelitis are immediately vaccinated.