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The positive side: superschastlivaya supermom

We can not say that all superwoman unhappy. "There is nothing wrong with wanting it all, claims Shaevich. On the contrary, a number of studies have shown that a woman who combines family and work are happier and have better health than traditional housewives. " "Although people are acting in many roles, have a lot of different needs, they adapt more easily, perhaps because they get satisfaction from the work," says Sharon A. Loubel, Ph.D., who teaches management techniques in the School of Business and Economics at the University of Seattle.
One of the advantages of this way of life when you have a family and you are working outside the home, that you have more opportunities to live a full life and self-esteem. You are taking a big risk if, according to the proverb, put all your eggs in one basket. When your child rolls his tantrum at the supermarket, you are unlikely to fall much in their own eyes, if you just made the managing department of implementation. Conversely, problems at work are forgotten, if the house you hear: "I love you, Mommy."
Dr. Loubel combining professional work with family responsibilities, having doctor-husband and 4-year-old daughter, admits that she never wondered: "What do I want in my life?"
"There are many answers can be too much, she laughs. There are different ways to fill the life, and it's better than living without being sure that you're worth something. "
Furthermore, in all this time there is a psychological. When you take up something and it turns out, you feel proud. The honor you and praise. But when that fails, you become like a magician, juggler, which rotates plates on poles. Should one fall as fall all.