Attention! The information is for reference purposes!
Before taking you should consult with a doctor!
SITE GUIDE ONLY. Not a pharmacy! We do not sell drugs! Nothing!

Gregory's powder

The dose for adults - 0.5-2 g per reception. Children under 2 years
- 0.1 g, 3.4 years - 0.15 g, 5.6 years - 0.2 g, 9.7 years - 0.25 g, 10-14
- 0.5-1, the children were not administered to 1 year.
Tablets rhubarb - contain 0.3-0.5 g of finely powdered rhubarb root, similar dose powders.
Rhubarb extract dry. With water cloudy solution gives an acidic reaction. The dosage depends on the age of 0.1 to 2.1 g reception.
Tincture bitter rhubarb. Obtained from the rhizomes and root powder (80
g) Gentian root powder (20 g), calamus root powder (10 g) and 70% alcohol to make 1 liter infusion. Apply with intestinal atony, flatulence and to improve digestion of 1 / 2-1 teaspoon 2 times a day before meals.