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Description of the medicine: Coamidum



The powder is light purple, bitter to the taste, odorless. Easily soluble in water; PH of 1% aqueous solution is 5, 5 - 6, 5.

Cobalt is a stimulant for hematopoiesis, promotes the assimilation of iron by the body and stimulates the processes of its transformation (formation of protein complexes, synthesis of hemoglobin, etc.), normalizes erythropoietic activity and leads to the elimination of anemia.

The drug is easily absorbed and well tolerated by patients.

Applied koamid for the treatment of hypochromic anemia, hypoplastic anemia, etc., including sideroblastic (sidero-achestic) anemia; Resistant to iron preparations (See also Cyanocobalamin, Farkoven.). If necessary, prescribe iron preparations simultaneously with koamidom.

Enter under the skin in the form of 1% aqueous solution of 1 ml daily. You can also prescribe inside 0.1 g 3 times a day.

The duration of treatment depends on the nature of the disease and the results obtained; The average course of treatment lasts 25 to 30 days.

Form release: powder; 1% solution in ampoules of 1 ml in a package of 10 ampoules.

Storage: in a place protected from light.

In small amounts (fractions of a milligram) cobalt sulfate is part of some combined multivitamin tablets (see Complit, Oligovit, etc.).