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Description of the medicine: Amitriptyline (Amitriptylinum)

AMITRIPTYLIN (Amitriptylinum). 5- (3-Dimethylaminopropylidene) -10,11-dihydro-dibenzocycloheptene.

Produced in the form of hydrochloride (Amitriptylini hydrochloridum):

Synonyms: Teperin, Triptisol, Amitriptyline, Adepril, Adepress, Amiprin, Atryptal, Damilen, Daprimen, Elatral, Elavil, Lantron, Laroxal, Laroxyl, Lentizol, Novotriptyn, Proheptadien, Redomex, Saroten, Sarotex, Teperin, Triptizol, Triptopol, Triptyl, Tryptanol, Tryptizol and others.

Amitriptyline, like imipramine, is one of the main representatives of tricyclic antidepressants. The structure differs from imipramine in that the nitrogen atom in the central part of the tricyclic system is replaced by a carbon atom.

It is an inhibitor of reverse neuronal capture of mediator monoamines, including noradrenaline, dopamine, serotonin, etc. MAO does not induce inhibition.

Characteristic significant cholinolytic activity.

Timoleptic action is combined in amitriptyline with a pronounced sedative effect.

Applied mainly with endogenous depression. Especially effective in anxiety-depressive states; Reduces anxiety, agitation and actually depressive manifestations.

Does not cause exacerbation of delirium, hallucinations and other productive symptoms, which is possible with the use of antidepressant stimulants (imipramine, etc.).

Assign inside, intramuscularly or in a vein. Inside take (after eating), from 0.05 to 0.075 g (50 to 75 mg) per day, then the dose is gradually increased by 0.025-0.05 g until the desired antidepressant effect is achieved. The average daily dose is 0.15-0.25 g (150-250 mg) for 3 to 4 doses (during the day and at bedtime). Once the persistent effect is achieved, the dose is gradually reduced. In severe depression, up to 300 mg (or more) per day is prescribed.

In severe depression, you can start with the introduction of the drug intramuscularly or intravenously (inject slowly!) At a dose of 0.02-0.04 g (20-40 mg) 3-4 times a day. Injections are gradually replaced by taking the drug inside.

Elderly drug is prescribed in smaller doses; Children are reduced in accordance with age.

Amitriptyline is relatively widely used in somatic medicine in depressive and neurotic states. Assign inside in relatively small doses (0.0125 - 0.00625 g = 1/2 - 1/4 tablets).

Amitriptyline is usually well tolerated. Due to the presence of a sedative effect, it does not disturb sleep, and it is prescribed throughout the day, including at bedtime. However, due to the pronounced cholinolytic effect when taking amitriptyline, dry mouth, pupil dilatation, accommodation disorder, urinary retention, and drowsiness, dizziness, arm tremor, paresthesia, allergic reactions, and heart rhythm disturbances can be observed.

Amitriptyline as a drug with pronounced cholinolytic activity is contraindicated in glaucoma, prostatic hypertrophy, atony of the bladder. It should not be administered simultaneously with monoamine oxidase inhibitors.

Forms of release: tablets of 0.025 g (25 mg); 1% solution in ampoules of 2 ml (20 mg).

Storage: List B.