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Description drugs: Potassium Orotate (Kalii orotas)

Potassium Orotate (Kalii orotas).

Potassium salt of uracil-4-carboxylic (orotic acid).

Synonyms: Dioron, Kalium oroticum, Orocid, Oropur.

The white crystalline powder. Very slightly soluble in water.

Orotic acid is a precursor of pyrimidine nucleotides comprising the nucleic acid kotrye involved in the synthesis of protein molecules. Orotic acid and its salts are considered so as anabolic agent and applied in disorders of protein metabolism as general stimulators of metabolic processes.

Typically used potassium salt of orotic acid (orotate potassium).

Assign Orotate potassium in combination with other agents (vitamins, etc.) In diseases of the liver (except liver cirrhosis with ascites) caused by acute and chronic intoxication with myocardial dystrophy, alimentary and alimentary infectious dystrophy in children in other indications, when it is advisable to stimulate anabolic processes. While the application of potassium orotate for the treatment of progressive muscular dystrophy. Sometimes the drug is used for arrhythmias (especially arrhythmias and atrial fibrillation); explain the effect of the drug in these cases of the preparation of the potassium ion (see. Potassium chloride), however, the potassium content in the formulation is low (20%).

Orotate Potassium is also used to improve the anabolic processes during strenuous exercise.

Is the inside (1 hour before eating or 4 hours after it). The dose for adults of from 0.5 to 1, 5 g daily (0.25 - 0.3 g of 2 - 3 times DAY).

The course of treatment 20 - 40 days, and in some cases even longer. If necessary, repeat the treatment after a month's break. In some cases, depending on the efficacy and tolerability, the daily dose for adults is increased up to 3 g

Children (. With alimentary and alimentary infectious malnutrition, anemia, in the period of convalescence, etc.) prescribe a rate of 10 - 20 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day (2 - 3 admission). The course of treatment 3 - 5 weeks.

The drug is generally well tolerated. In some cases, there are allergic dermatoses, quickly passing after discontinuation of the drug; if necessary, appoint protivogistaminnye drugs. Possible diarrheal phenomenon.

Product: pills to 0.1 g (for children) and 0.5 g (for adults).

For use in children it is also available in the form of pellets.

Storage: in normal conditions.