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Description of drug: Adenosine triphosphoric acid (Acidum adenosintriphosphoricum)

ADENOZINTRIFOSPHORIC ACID (Acidum adenosintriphosphoricum).

Adenosine-5'-triphosphoric acid, or the triphosphate ester of 9-b-D-ribofuranoside.

Synonyms of the adenosine triphosphate acid and its sodium salt: ATP, Atrifos, Myotryphos, Phosphobion, Adephos, Atifos, Atriphos, Cortrifos, Fosfobion, Muotropipos, Striadyne, Triadenyl, Trifosfodin, Trifosyl, Triphosaden, Triphosadenine and others.

Adenosine triphosphoric acid, or adenosine triphosphate (ATP), is a natural component of the tissues of the human body and animals. It is formed during oxidation reactions and in the process of glycolytic digestion of carbohydrates. Especially rich in her muscles are from a striped smooth muscle tissue. Its content in skeletal muscles reaches 0.3%.

ATP is involved in many metabolic processes. When it interacts with actomyosin, it breaks down into adenosine diphosphoric acid (ADP) and inorganic phosphate, releasing energy, a significant part of which is used by the muscles to perform mechanical work, as well as synthetic processes (synthesis of protein, urea and intermediate metabolic products). In dystrophic processes in muscles, a decrease in its content in muscle tissue or a violation of the processes of its resynthesis is observed. ATP is considered as one of the mediators of excitation in adenosine (purinergic) receptors (For mediator and other properties of adenosine, see Theophylline, Cardiac glycosides, Caffeine.). In addition, it participates in the transmission of nervous excitation in the adrenergic and cholinergic synapses, facilitates excitation in the vegetative nodes and in the transmission of excitation from the vagus nerve to the heart. It is also believed that ATP is an inhibitory mediator in the gastrointestinal tract, released by postganglionic fibers emerging from the Auerbach (intermuscular neural) plexus, as well as an exciting mediator in the tissues of the bladder.

Experimental data show that ATP enhances cerebral and coronary circulation.

For medical use, ATP is obtained from the muscle tissue of animals.

ATP is a white crystalline hygroscopic powder. For medical use, a solution of sodium adenosine triphosphate 1% for injection is produced (Solutio Natrii adenosintriphosphatis 1% pp injectionibus).

The sodium adenosine triphosphate solution is a colorless or slightly yellowish liquid; PH 7, 0 -7, 3.

Previously, relatively widely used ATP in chronic coronary insufficiency. It has been established, however, that a large amount of energy is required for its penetration through cell membranes, which casts doubt on the role of ATP as a source of energy to ensure the contractility of the myocardium and improve metabolic processes in it.

The main use of sodium adenosine triphosphate is currently in the complex therapy of muscular dystrophy and atrophy, peripheral vasospasm spasms (intermittent claudication, Raynaud's disease, obliterating thromboangiitis).