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Description of the medicine: Riboxinum (Riboxinum)

RIBOXINUM. 9-b-D-Ribofuranosylhypoxanthin, or hypoxanthine riboside.

Synonyms: Inose-F, Inosine, Atorel, Inosie-F, Inosin, Inosiron-E, Inotin, Irpelen, Oxiamin, Ribonosine, Teberin, Trophicardyl and others.

White or white with a weak yellowish tinge crystalline powder, bitter taste, odorless. Slowly and hardly soluble in water, very slightly soluble in alcohol.

Riboxin is a derivative (nucleoside) of purine. It can be considered as a precursor of ATP. There are data on the ability of the drug to increase the activity of a number of enzymes in the Krebs cycle, stimulate the synthesis of nucleotides, have a positive effect on metabolic processes in the myocardium, and improve coronary circulation. By the type of action refers to anabolic substances. Being a nucleoside, inosine can penetrate into the cells and increase the energy balance of the myocardium.

Riboxin is used for complex therapy of coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, myocardial dystrophy, rhythm disorders associated with the use of cardiac glycosides. Assign also for liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis) and for treatment of urocoppororphy. There are also data on the improvement under the influence of riboxin visual functions in patients with glaucoma (open-angle form with normalized under the influence of antihypertensive therapy with intraocular pressure). The effect, apparently, is related to the antihypoxic effect of the drug.

Take Riboxin inside before meals at a daily dose of 0.6 to 2, 4 g. In the early days take 0.6-0.8 g per day (0.2 g 3 - 4 times a day), with good tolerability Increase the dose for 2 - 3 days from 1, 2 g per day (0.4 g 3 times) to 2. 4 g per day.

The course of treatment lasts from 4 weeks to 1, 5 - 3 months. With uracoproporphyrin, riboxin is taken in a daily dose of 0.8 g (0.2 g 4 times) daily for 1 3 months.

Riboxin is administered intravenously. Introduce slowly jet or drip (40 - 60 drops per minute). Begin the treatment with the administration of 200 mg (10 ml of 2% solution) once a day, then, with good tolerability, increase the dose to 400 mg (20 ml of 2% solution) 1 to 2 times a day. Duration of treatment is 10 - 15 days.

With acute violations of heart rhythm and conduction, it is possible to inject the drug in a single dose of 200-400 mg (10-20 ml of a 2% solution).

For the drop introduction dilute the solution of riboxin in an isotonic solution of sodium chloride or 5% glucose solution to 250 ml.

The drug is usually well tolerated; In some cases, itching, skin hyperemia is possible; In these cases the drug is canceled. In rare cases, there is an increase in the concentration of uric acid in the blood. With prolonged use in large doses, an exacerbation of gout is possible.

Method of production: tablets covered with a coating (yellow color), 0.2 g (Tabulettae Riboxini 0,2 obductae) in a package of 50 pieces; 2% solution in 10 ml ampoules.

Storage: List B. Tablets and ampoules at room temperature in a place protected from light.