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Description of the medicine: Humisolum

HUMISOL (Humisolum). 0.01% solution of humic acid fractions of Haapsalu marine therapeutic mud in isotonic sodium chloride solution.

Transparent or slightly opalescent with a barely noticeable suspension of liquid with a yellowish tint, odorless, brackish to the taste, neutral reaction.

Has the properties of biogenic stimulants. Therapeutic effect is close to the effect obtained with the application of therapeutic mud.

Applied with chronic and subacute radiculitis, plexitis, neuralgia, rheumatoid arthritis inactive form, infectious nonspecific polyarthritis, arthrosis, chronic diseases of the middle ear and paranasal sinuses, chronic pharyngitis, rhinitis and other diseases. There are data on the effectiveness of the drug in a vibration disease.

Apply gumizol intramuscularly or by electrophoresis. Intramuscularly enter, starting with 1 ml, daily in the first 2 - 3 days; With good tolerability continue the introduction of 2 ml 1 time per day for 20 - 30 days. The course of treatment can be repeated after 3 to 6 months.

When parodontosis is administered intramuscularly (1 - 2 ml per day) and in the transitional fold of the oral mucosa (1 - 2 ml). The course of treatment is 30 injections.

Electrophoresis is used for expressed local signs of the disease or for poor tolerance of the drug administered intramuscularly. For electrophoresis, a layer of filter paper moistened with humisol is placed on wetted with warm water electrode pads. Enter the drug from both poles. The procedure consumes from 4 to 20 ml of humisol. The current density is 0.05 - 0.1 mA / cm 2, the current strength is 2-20 mA (by sensation). Duration of the first 2 - 3 procedures 10 min, then 20 - 30 min. The procedures are performed daily or every other day. The course of treatment 8 - 20 procedures. With periodontal disease, the cathode electrode is placed on the gums, the anodic electrode is placed on the interscapular area or forearm. The course of treatment is 15 - 20 procedures every other day.

Goumisol is contraindicated in acute febrile illnesses, decompensated heart diseases, severe ischemic heart disease, severe forms of atherosclerosis, active forms of tuberculosis, severe liver and kidney diseases, tumors, severe forms of thyrotoxicosis, psychoses.

Product: in ampoules of 2 and 10 ml.

Storage: in a place protected from light.