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Description medications: Solkoseril (Solcoseryl)

Solkoseril (Solcoseryl) *.

Extract the blood of cattle; the drug is released from the protein.

Apply to improve metabolism and accelerate the regeneration of tissues with trophic ulcers of the lower leg, gangrene, bedsores, burns, radiation ulcers, skin grafts (See. Also Aktovegin).

Assign intramuscularly or intravenously, and topically in an ointment or jelly. Usually spend a combined treatment: the drug is used in the form of injections and locally. After improvement and early epithelialization used only externally.

When bedsores administered intramuscularly or intravenously in 1 - 2 capsules per day and topical (gel) before the granulation and then ointment until the final epithelialization. Burns - 2 - 4 capsules per day intramuscularly or vyutrivenno and local ointment or jelly. When radiation skin lesions topically applied ointment or gel, 1 ampoule per day intramuscularly or intravenously; for the prevention of radiation skin lesions smeared skin ointment solcoseryl; lubrication continued for 2 weeks after exposure. In severe trophic lesions (ulcers, gangrene) to 4 - 5 vials per day simultaneously with local therapy.

Intravenously administered in a conventional injection (1 - 2 ampoules) or a drip (Z - 5 ampoules per 250 ml of 5% glucose solution or isotonic sodium chloride solution). The drug can also be administered intra-arterial infusion (3 - 5 vials of 500 ml of 5% glucose solution or isotonic sodium chloride solution).

Duration of treatment depends on the nature of the process and its flow. It usually lasts 4 - 8 weeks. With the trend to repeat the process, it is recommended after complete epithelialization continue to use the drug for 2 3 weeks (1 - 2 ampoules per week intramuscularly or intravenously).

Simultaneously with the application can be used solcoseryl antibiotics, vasodilators, and other means if necessary.

There are performance solcoseryl (pain relief, acceleration of ulcer healing) in the treatment of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, acute pneumonia. Applied intramuscularly 1 ampoule (2 ml), 1 - 2 times a day for 10 - 12 days.

In the treatment of chronic colitis invited to apply mikroklizmy solkoserilom. The contents of one tube (20 g of gel) was diluted in 30 ml of warm water and boiled after enema administered daily for 10 days.

As a special dosage form (20% gel) used in the treatment of diseases of the cornea (epithelium trophic lesions, infectious corneal dystrophy, etc.). The drug is administered in the conjunctival sac.

The drug is generally well tolerated. When used in the form of jelly possible burning of the skin that does not require the cessation of treatment.

Product: in 2 ml ampoules; jelly and cream in tubes of 20 g; Gel in tubes of 5 g (for ophthalmic practice).