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Description medications: pentatsina (Pentacinum)

Pentatsina (Pentacinum).

The calcium trisodium salt diethylene triaminopentauksusnoy acid.

Synonyms: Calcii trinatrii pentetas, Calcium trisodium pentetate , Penthamil.

The white crystalline powder. Easily soluble in water, practically insoluble in alcohol. Aqueous solutions (pH of 5% solution of 5, 5 6 and 8) + sterilized at 100 "C for 30 min.

It refers to the complexing compounds.

Applied with acute and chronic poisoning plutonium, radioactive yttrium, cesium, zinc, lead, and a mixture of uranium fission products, as well as to identify those carrying radioisotopes. He did not have a noticeable effect on the removal of uranium, polonium, radium and radioactive strontium and lead.

The drug does not affect the content of the Blood calcium and potassium.

Administered intravenously as a 5% aqueous solution.

A single dose of 0.25 g product (5 ml 5% solution). In acute cases, a single dose may be increased up to 1, 5 g (30 ml of 5% solution). Enter intravenous slowly, observing the state of the cardiovascular system. Injections produce 1 - 2 days; in the course of 10 - 20 injections.

With prolonged use pentatsina its effectiveness in removing radioactive isotopes is reduced; after cessation of the effectiveness of the drug is gradually recovering. Therefore, treatment is carried out by individual courses with a break in between 3 - 4 months.

In acute effects of lead intoxication (lead colic) injected 1 - 2 g (20 - 40 ml of 5% solution).

In order to identify carriers of radioactive isotopes and lead, pentatsin administered for 3 consecutive days at therapeutic doses and explore the content and lead isotopes in the urine. Pre 3 days spend control (background) study.

When using pentatsina in some cases, possible dizziness, headaches, pain in the limbs and chest. These effects usually disappear on their own. In case of nausea and vomiting, reduce the dose or stop using the product. In violation of coronary krovovbrascheniya drug overturned.

When treating pentatsina should be at least 1 time per week to make a general analysis of urine and determine the urinary excretion of radioactive isotopes. To reduce the risk of kidney disorders and electrolyte balance, observe the breaks between the courses of the drug injection.

Pentatsina contraindicated in feverish conditions, renal parenchyma lesions, hypertension with impaired renal function, as well as in the presence of patients with spasm of the heart blood vessels.

Product: 5% solution of 5 ml ampoules in a package of 10 vials.

Storage: Keep in a cool, dark place.