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Description of the medicine: Cystamine dihydrochloride (Cystamini dihydrochloridum)

CISTAMINE DIGIDROCHLORIDE (Cystamini dihydrochloridum).

Bis (b-aminoethyl) disulfide dihydrochloride.

Synonyms: Cystaminum dihydrochloricum, Cystinamin.

Crystalline powder of white or yellowish color with a specific odor (mercaptan). Easily soluble in water with the formation of turbid solutions, little soluble in alcohol.

Cystamine belongs to the group of aminothiols. The first representative of this group was mercamine (synonyms: Wesartan, Sousteamine, Mercarsmonum), which is b-mercaptoethylamine (HS-CH 2 -CH 2 -NH 2). The cystamine molecule can be considered as a doubled mercamine molecule, where the sulfhydryl groups (-SH) are replaced by a disulfide bond (-SS-).

Aminothiols have a preventive radioprotective effect in acute radiation injury, increasing the resistance of the organism to the action of ionizing radiation.

The action of aminothiols is based on their ability to reduce the number of radicals, ionized and excited molecules formed in tissues upon irradiation, and also on the ability of these compounds to interact with certain enzymes and to impart stability to them in relation to radiant energy. There are other theories of the radioprotective action of aminothioles (the hypothesis of Bac's "biochemical shock," etc.).

The effect of aminothiols is more pronounced when administered within a short time (10 - 30 min) prior to irradiation. The protective effect after a single administration lasts about 5 hours.

Cystamine (as well as other aminothiols) is used to prevent and reduce the manifestations of radiation sickness (general malaise, nausea, vomiting, etc.) arising from the use of large doses of radiation for radio and X-ray therapy.

Assign inside the form of tablets for 1 hour before irradiation. The dose depends on the nature of the disease, the state of the hematopoietic system of the patient, the radiation dose.

Daily doses range from 0.2 to 0.8 g.

The drug is used during the entire course of radiotherapy. At the same time, patients should receive general tonic therapy.

The use of cystamine with already developed radiation sickness (with significant leukopenia) does not give a therapeutic effect. The drug does not warn of the development of leukopenia. With a significant decrease in the number of leukocytes in the blood during the period of irradiation and the need to continue treatment, it is possible to use cystamine in combination with leukopoiesis stimulants; If necessary, appoint blood transfusion.

After taking cystamine in some cases, burning in the esophagus, nausea, sometimes pain in the stomach; These phenomena usually do not serve as an obstacle to the continuation of the drug. It should be taken into account that the drug has an antihypertensive effect; In hypertensive disease, a significant decrease in blood pressure can be observed.

Relative contraindications to the use of cystamine dihydrochloride are acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, acute failure of the cardiovascular system, impaired liver function.