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Description medications: Teturam (Teturamum)

Teturam (Teturamum).


Synonyms: Antabuse, Abstinyl, Alcophobin, Antabus, Antaethan , Antaethyl, Anticol, Aversan, Contrapot, Crotenal, Disetil, Disulfiramum, Espenal, Exhorran, Hoca, Noxal, Refusal, Stopethyl, Tetradin and others.

White poor yellowish greenish white crystalline powder. It is soluble in alcohol, practically insoluble in water, acids and alkalis.

Is the inside for the treatment of chronic alcoholism, in those cases when you can not get the therapeutic effect of other treatments (psychotherapy, vitamin therapy, receiving apomorphine, etc.).

Effect of the drug based on its ability to specifically affect the alcohol metabolism. Alcohol is subjected to oxidative transformations, passing through a phase of acetaldehyde and acetic acid. With the participation of atsetaldegidroksidazy acetaldehyde usually rapidly oxidized.

Teturam blocking enzymatic biotransformation alcohol leads to an increase in concentration after consumption of alcohol in blood acetaldehyde.

Current data is converted in the body teturam in N, N-diethyldithiocarbamic acid (DEDKK) and other metabolites of blocking metal ions and sulfhydryl groups of enzymes involved in the removal of alcohol. The accumulation after alcohol intake under the influence teturama acetaldehyde leads to difficult for the patient to changes in the body: skin redness, feeling of heat in the face and upper body, chest tightness, shortness of breath, buzzing in the ears, palpitations, anxiety, and sometimes chills, etc. . Significant decreases in blood pressure.

By assigning a drink on the background of teturama, produce a negative conditioned reflex to the taste and smell of alcohol and long-term treatment achieve a partial or complete intolerance to alcohol.

Application teturama may be accompanied by severe side effects, so resort to it as one of the last means.

Before treatment Teturamom, the patient is subjected to careful medical examination. In the absence of contraindications, the patient explain the meaning of therapy and warn about the dangers of drinking alcohol during treatment.

Teturamom Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a physician. Dose picked individually. Optimal doses (0.25 - 0.5 g / day) are generally well tolerated and does not give complications even after prolonged use. Doses teturama below 0.15 g / day rapidly cleared from the body and do not cause the desired effect - sensitization to alcohol.

Teturamom Treatment is usually carried out as follows. Teturamalkogolnuyu first trial conducted in 7 - 10 days of starting treatment. After a morning reception 0.5 - 0.75 g teturama, the patient takes 20 - 30 ml of an alcoholic beverage, usually 40% of vodka. Repeated tests carried out in stationary conditions in 1 - 2 days, out - in 3 - 5 days. With a weak reaction, an alcoholic beverage, increase the dose at the next sample is 10 - 20 ml. vodka maximum dose of 100 - 120 ml.