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Description of the medicine: Lithium oxybutyrate (Lithii oxybutyras)

LITHIUM OXIBUTIRATE (Lithii oxybutyras).

Lithium g - hydroxybutyrate.

White or white with a barely noticeable creamy hue of crystalline powder. Easily soluble in water, difficult in alcohol; PH of 20% aqueous solution 8, 5 - 9, 5.

By chemical structure is a lithium analogue of sodium oxybutyrate (see).

The therapeutic effect of the drug is mainly due to the presence in its molecule of the lithium ion, but the drug also has elements of activity characteristic of sodium oxybutyrate - it has a sedative effect. Compared with lithium carbonate, oxybutyrate is less toxic and more active. Lithium oxybutyrate can be administered intramuscularly.

Indications for use are basically the same as for lithium carbonate: hypomanic and manic states and the prevention of attacks of affective disorders. Apply the drug also for psychopathies, neuroses, organic and other diseases with recurrent affective disorders.

Assign lithium oxybutyrate inside (after eating) or intramuscularly. Single dose - starting from 0.5 - 1 g, daily - up to 3 g (in 2 - 3 doses). When expressed psychomotor agitation or refusal of the patient to take the drug inside it is injected intramuscularly.

When used for prophylactic purposes, they begin with a dose of 0.5 g.

Lithium oxybutyrate is also prescribed as an antihypoxic agent. There are data on the antiarrhythmic effect of the drug, as well as on the use of lithium carbonate for the correction of neutropenia in radiation treatment of patients with lymphogranulomatosis. It was found that the drug causes a true increase in the production of granulocytes.

In all cases of lithium oxybutyrate use, all precautions must be followed and contraindications for other lithium preparations should be considered (see Lithium carbonate).

Form release: a tablet of 0.5 g; 20% solution in ampoules of 2 ml (0.4 g in the ampoule).

Storage: List B. In a dry place.