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Description of the medicine: Ceftriaxon

CEFTRIACON (Ceftriaxon) *.

Cephalosporin antibiotic of the third generation. By chemical structure is close to cefotaxime. Available in the form of sodium salt.

Synonyms: Longacef, Rocefin, Betasporin, Cefadrox, Cefadroxil, Cefamox, Ceftriakson, Duracef, Longacef, Rocephin, Ultracef and others.

Like cefotaxime is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract; Applied intramuscularly and intravenously. After intramuscular injection, the peak concentration in the blood plasma is observed after 1, 5 hours. The drug remains in the body for a long time. Minimal antimicrobial concentrations are detected in the blood for 24 hours or more.

The drug penetrates well into the organs, body fluids (peritoneal, pleural, spinal, synovial), into bone tissues.

It is allocated (up to 50%) by kidneys in the active form within 48 hours. With renal failure, the secretion slows down. Partially excreted with bile.

Indications for the use of ceftriaxone generally coincide with indications for the use of other cephalosporins of the third generation (see Cefotaxime).

The main differences of ceftriaxone are explained by its pharmacokinetic characteristics: slow excretion from the body (this allows it to be administered usually 1 time per day, and in severe cases 2 times a day), a broad spectrum of action (apply to the resistance of microorganisms to other cephalosporins, penicillins, aminoglycosides and other Antibiotics), relatively good tolerability.

Enter ceftriaxone for adults and children over 12 years in a dose of 1 - 2 g once a day. In severe cases, the daily dose is increased to 4 g (two administrations with an interval of 12 h).

Young children are administered 20 - 80 mg / kg per day once, premature infants - in a daily dose of not more than 50 mg / kg.

With severe kidney and liver failure, the dose should be reduced.

A gonorrhoeic patient suffices to administer a single injection of 0.25 g intramuscularly. With other infections, the duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease. It is recommended to inject the drug (as well as other chemotherapeutic agents) for at least 3 days after the normalization of body temperature.

Possible side effects and contraindications are basically the same as when using cefotaxime.

Product: in bottles of 0.25 and 1 g. To vials for intramuscular injection, ampoules with a solvent (2 or 3, 5 ml) containing lidocaine (to reduce soreness) are attached.