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Description medications: Pantogam (Pantogamum)

Pantogamum (Pantogamum).

The calcium salt of D - (+) - a, g - dihydroxy b, b - dimelbutiril- - aminobutyric acid or calcium salt of D - (+) - gomopantotenovoy acid.

Synonyms: Calcium homopantothenat, Hopaten.

The corresponding acid has a name: Acidum homopantenicum, Homopantothenic acid, HOPA, Hopatenic acid, Hopate.

The white crystalline powder. Easily soluble in water, very slightly soluble in alcohol; pH of 5% aqueous solution of 7 0 - 9 0.

Pantogamum chemical structure can be regarded as a modified pantothenic acid molecule (see.) Comprising GABA residue that replaces alanine moiety.

By pharmacological properties Pantogamum also has similarities with GABA and pantothenic acid.

The drug has elements of nootropic activity, improves metabolism, increases resistance to hypoxia, has the effect of anticonvulsant, prolongs the action of barbiturates, reduces response to pain stimuli. He did not have a noticeable effect on the bioelectric activity of the brain, on the peripheral adrenergic and holinoreaktivnye system, characterized by short mild hypotensive effect. The product has low toxicity.

In a clinical study found that Pantogamum improves the condition of patients with cerebral insufficiency exogenous organic genesis, reduces the excitability of the motor, activate mental activity and physical performance. It is also effective in hyperkinetic disorders, Jacksonian epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, tremor, with neuroleptic syndrome, clonic form of stuttering in children.

Apply Pantogamum in children with mental deficiency, mental retardation, with a delay of speech development, as well as (in the complex therapy, and sometimes their own) for epilepsy, especially when polymorphic attacks and small seizures.

There are performance pantogam (reduction of pain) for trigeminal neuralgia (see. As Sodium hydroxybutyrate).

Assign Pantogamum also in combination with anticonvulsants for epilepsy with symptoms of lethargy, when neuroinfections and traumatic brain injuries.

Applied also subcortical hyperkinesis, including (as proof) with neuroleptic extrapyramidal syndrome. For prophylaxis can be administered concurrently with neuroleptics.

Take Pantogamum inside (after 15 - 30 minutes after a meal). Single dose for adults is usually 0.5 - 1 g, for children - 0.25 - 0.5 g daily dose for adults of 1, 5 - 3 g, for children - 0.75 - 3 course of treatment lasts from 1 to 4 months (sometimes up to 6 months). After 3 - 6 - month break may conduct re-treatment.

Children with mental deficiency appoint 0.5 g 4 - 6 times a day. The course of treatment an average of 3 months.

In epilepsy used (in conjunction with specific antiepileptic drugs) in children of 0.25 - 0.5 g of 3 - 4 times a day, for adults, 0.5 - 1 g 3 - 4 times daily.