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Description of the medicine: Streptocidum soluble (Streptocidum solubile)

STREPTOCID SOLUBLE (Streptocidum solubile). Para-Sulfamido-benzolaminomethane-sodium sulfate.

White crystalline powder. Soluble in water. Virtually nerastvorim in organic solvents. The aqueous solutions are sterilized at + 100 ° C for 30 minutes.

Indications for use are the same as for streptocide. Good solubility in water allows using the drug for parenteral use. Solutions can be administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly and intravenously.

For intramuscular and subcutaneous administration, 1 - 1, 5% solutions prepared on sterile water for injection or on isotonic sodium chloride solution are used. Enter up to 100 ml 2 - 3 times a day. For intravenous infusions use 2 - 5 - 10% solutions, prepared with sterile water for injection, isotonic sodium chloride solution or 1% glucose solution. Enter up to 20 - 30 ml.

Use a soluble streptocide in cases where the patient's condition (vomiting, unconsciousness) does not allow the administration of sulfonamide preparations inside. After the patient is withdrawn from a serious condition, they switch to taking sulfanilamide preparations inside.

Form release: powder (see also Ingalipt).

Storage: List B. In well ukuporennyh banks.

Rp .: Streptocidi solubilis 5, 0

Sol. Glucosi 1% 100 ml

M. Sterilisetur!

DS For 20 ml per one infusion (per vein).

Use also streptotsid soluble in the form of 5% liniment - a homogeneous creamy mass of white or cream color.

Apply to accelerate the healing of infected wounds, burns I and II degrees, boils, carbuncles, with superficial pyoderma, vulgar acne, impetigo and other purulent-inflammatory skin diseases.

Liniment is applied to the lesion (under the gauze bandage) 1 - 2 times a day.

Form of issue: in tubes or glass jars according to DA

Storage: in a dry, cool place; Banks - in the dark place.