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Description of drug: Sulfadimethoxinum (Sulfadimethoxinum)

SULFADIMETOXIN (Sulfadimethoxinum). 4 - (p-Aminobenzenesulfamido) -2, 6-dimethoxypyrimidine.

Synonyms: Deposul, Madribon, Madroxin, Agribon, Aristin, Deposul, Depot-Sulfamid, Fuxal, Madribon, Madriquid, Madroxine, Sulfadimethoxine, Sulfastop, Sulxin, Supersulfa, Ultrasulfan, Wysulfa and others.

White or white with a creamy hue, crystalline powder odorless. Virtually nerastvorim in water, sparingly soluble in alcohol, easily - in dilute hydrochloric acid and solutions of caustic alkalis.

It belongs to the group of long-acting sulfanilamide preparations. By antibacterial action is close to sulfapyridazine.

Effective against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria: it acts on pneumococci, streptococci, staphylococcus, E. coli, Klebsiella stick (Friedlander's stick), causative agents of dysentery; Is less active with respect to the protein; Is active against the trachoma virus, does not act on strains of bacteria resistant to other sulfanilamide preparations.

The drug is relatively slowly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. After oral administration, it is detected in the blood after 30 minutes, but the maximum concentration is reached after 8 to 12 hours. The required therapeutic concentration in the blood (in adults) is noted when taking the drug on day 1 at doses of 1 to 2 g and 0.5 - 1, O r in the following days.

In comparison with other long-acting sulfonamides (sulfapiridazine, sulfamonomethoxin) sulfadimethoxin penetrates worse through the blood-brain barrier, and therefore its use in purulent meningitis is inexpedient. Other indications for the use of sulfadimethoxin are the same as for sulfapiridazine (acute respiratory infections, pneumonia, bronchitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis media, meningitis, dysentery, inflammatory diseases of the biliary and urinary tract, erysipelas, pyoderma, wound infections, trachoma, gonorrhea, etc. .). Assign also in combination with antimalarial drugs (with persistent forms of malaria).

Apply inside (in tablets). The daily dose is given at one time. Intervals between doses are 24 h. For mild forms of the disease, 1 g is prescribed on the first day, 0.5 g in the following days; With moderate forms - 2 g and 1 g respectively. Children are prescribed 25 mg / kg on day 1 and 12, 5 mg / kg on subsequent days. In severe forms of diseases, sulfadimethoxin is recommended in combination with antibiotics (penicillin, erythromycin or others) or other long-acting sulfonamides.

Possible complications and contraindications are the same as when using sulfapiridazine.

Form release: powder; Tablets of 0.2 and 0.5 g in a package of 10 pieces.

Storage: List B. In the dark place.

Sulfadimethoxin is part of the "Levosin" ointment (see Levomycetin).