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Description of the medicine: Sulfatonum (Sulfatonum)

SULFATHON (Sulfatonum).

A combined preparation containing, like bactrim, two active substances - the sulfanilamide preparation sulfamonomethoxin and the diaminopyrimidine derivative - trimethoprim.

Produced in tablets with sulfonomethoxin 0.25 g and trimethoprim 0.1 g. Tablets white or white with a slightly yellowish hue.

The higher antibacterial activity of sulfamonomethoxin compared with sulfamethoxazole allows the use of sulfonomethoxin in sulfaton at a lower dose than sulfamethoxazole in bactrim.

By the mechanism of action, sulfaton is similar to bactrim. It is a broad spectrum antimicrobial drug; In some cases more effective than bactrim.

Apply sulphate in acute and chronic bacterial infections, for the treatment of severe and moderate severity of diseases; Is prescribed for adults and children with acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia (including abscess and croup), lung abscess, pleural empyema, local purulent infection of various locations, generalized forms of purulent infection (including sepsis), external and average otitis media, sinusitis , Angina, pyelonephritis, cystitis, cholecystitis, cholangitis, dysentery and bacterial enterocolitis, erysipelas, meningococcal infection, gonorrhea, to prevent purulent complications after surgical interventions.

Take in the form of tablets inside, regardless of the time you eat.

In the treatment of infections of the ear, throat, nose, upper respiratory tract, bronchopulmonary apparatus, urinary and urinary tracts, local purulent infection, dysentery, bacterial enterocolitis, dysbacteriosis, and for the prevention of infections after surgery, adults are prescribed sulfaton on the first day of treatment 2 tablets (each 0.35 g) for morning and evening (shock dose), in the following days - 1 tablet in the morning and in the evening (maintenance dose). The course of treatment is 5 - 14 days.

Patients with severe forms of purulent infection (lung abscess, pleural empyema), including those accompanied by generalization of the process (sepsis, purulent-resorptive fever), with meningococcal infection, secondary bacterial meningitis, the drug is prescribed on the first day of 4 tablets per morning And in the evening (shock dose), and in the following days - 2 tablets per morning and evening (maintenance dose). The course of treatment is 7 - 14 days.

With good tolerability of the drug, treatment of patients with severe forms of infection can be prolonged up to 3 weeks.

According to the indications, sulfaton can be prescribed together with broad-spectrum antibiotics.